Selasa, 15 Desember 2015

Tersedia Daun Pegagan, teh pegagan antanan 085659344517

Tersedia Daun Pegagan, teh pegagan antanan 085659344517 

yang membutuhkan atau yang mau beli daun pegagan segar silakan hubungi 085659344517. Daun pegagan segar dikirim ke alamat pemesan seluruh Indonesia

Jalan Stekmal No.04 B, Gg.Sdn Gelar 2, Pamoyanan, Cianjur, Pamoyanan, Kec. Cianjur, Kabupaten Cianjur, Jawa Barat 43210, Indonesia

Tersedia Daun Pegagan, teh pegagan antanan 085659344517 dirim ke alamat pemesan seluruh Indonesia

Khasiat manfaat Jual daun pegagan antanan 085659344517

Khasiat manfaat Jual daun pegagan antanan 085659344517
 Daun pegagan atau disebut juga antanan oleh orang sunda merupakan salah satu tanaman obat yang mempunyai khasiat yang luar biasa bagi kesehatan kita. adapun manfaat atau khasiatnya antara lain untuk
  • Mengurangi Kecemasan, Stres dan Depresi.
  • Meningkatkan daya ingat
  • Mencegah pikun
  • Membantu Meringankan Insomnia
  • Membantu Mengurangi Stretch Mark. ...
  • Mempercepat Proses Penyembuhan Luka dan Bekas Luka. ...
  • Membantu Meredakan Nyeri Sendi. ...
  • Mengobati dan Mencegah Jerawat. ...
  • Membantu Meningkatkan Fungsi Kognitif. ...
  • Membantu Mengobati Penyakit Alzheimer.

yang membutuhkan daun pegagan silakan hubungi Pen Jual daun pegagan di nomor 085659344517 

Daun pegagan dikirim ke alamat pemesan seluruh Indonesia melalui Jasa pengiriman JNE atau JNT

Jual teh daun binahong khasiat manfaat untuk ginjal usus asam lambung 085659344517 HD

Jual teh daun binahong khasiat manfaat untuk ginjal usus asam lambung 085659344517 HD

daun binahong atau juga disebut anredera cordifolia dalam bahasa latin mempunyai berbagai manfaat yang luar biasa. antara lain dipakai untuk mengobati penyakit radang lambung, radang usus, radang ginjal, dan lain-lain. tersedia daun binahong segar dan kering atau teh binahong.

yang membutuhkan daun binahong silakan menghubungi nomor 085659344517 diantar ke alamat pemesan seluruh Indonesia.

daun binahong dikirim melalui jasa pengiriman terpercaya.

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Khasiat manfaat Jual daun pegagan antanan 085659344517

Tersedia daun pegagan segar kering, bermanfaat untuk mengobati berbagai penyakit ringan maupun berat. pemesanan hubungi pen jual daun pegagan di nomor 085659344517. Tanaman pegagan dikirim ke alamat pemesan seluruh Indonesia.

Khasiat manfaat Jual daun pegagan antanan 085659344517

Tanaman pegagan di berbagai daerah berbeda nama. di sunda tanaman ini adisebut antanan, Khasiat daun pegagan atau antanan antara lain efektif mengobati penyakit paru paru, membersihkan dan melancarkan peredaran darah, jerawat, meningkatkan daya ingat, mencegah pikun, dan lain lain.

jual daun segar dan teh pegagan antanan

jual daun segar dan teh pegagan antanan

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Jual daun pegagan dan teh pegagan / antanan 085659344517

Jual daun pegagan dan teh pegagan / antanan 085659344517

Tanaman pegagan atau oleh orang sunda disebut antanan adalah tanaman lalapan yang mempunyai berbagai manfaat yang banyak.

bagian tanaman yang dikonsumsi biasanya daun , tapi ada juga yang merebusnya dengan batang. bisa diolah menjadi berbagai produk makan atau obat. tanaman pegagan bisa dikonsumsi dengan cara dilalap, jus, rebus, atau dijadikan teh bahkan ada yang mengolahnya menjadi keripik.

yang berminat atau membutuhkan tanaman pegagan bisa menghubungi Bapak Bambang di nomor whatsapp 085659344517. Tanaman pegagan atau antanan dikirim ke alamat pemesan seluruh Indoneia melalui jasa pengiriman terpercaya.

jual daun pegagan, jual daun antanan, jual pegagan,jual antanan

jual daun pegagan di kirim ke medan 085659344517

jual daun pegagan di kirim ke medan 085659344517

tersedia daun pegagan segar dan kering di kirim ke medan melalui jasa pengiriman terpercaya. bermanfaat mengobati berbaga penyakit ringan maupun berat.

yang berminat silakan hubungi saya Bambang di nomor 085659344517

daun pegagan bisa di kirim ke medan dan sekitarnya.


jual daun pegagan segar kering teh manfaat khasiat 085659344517

jual daun pegagan segar kering teh manfaat khasiat 085659344517

 Jual daun pegagan segar atau kering dikirim ke alamat Ibu Bapak seluruh Indonesia melalui jasa pengiriman JNE atau JNT. Daun pegagan mempunyai berbagai manfaat atau khasiat yang luar biasa bagi kesehatan. ia bermanfaat mengobati penyakit paru paru atau flek, meningkatkan daya ingat / memori, membersihkan darah, jerawat dan lain lain.

daun pegagan bisa dikonsumsi dalam keadaan segar maupun kering. dalam keadaan segar daun pegagan bisa dikonsumsi dengan cara dilalap, dijus atau direbus. dalam keadaan kering bisa dijadikan teh atau dijadikan makanan ringan seperti keripik.

Yang membutuhkan tanaman pegagan bisa menghubungi saya di nomor 085659344517 sekarang juga. pesanan dipanen setelah ada order.




Jumat, 11 September 2015

Jual daun pegagan segar dan kering 085659344517

Gotu kola ( Centella asiatica / daun pegagan ) is a frantic lay that is widely grown in plantations, comedian, edges of anchorage, as recovered as the rice parcel. These plants come from hot regions of Aggregation, paste crossways Southeasterly Accumulation, including Indonesia, Bharat, the Group's Commonwealth of China, Archipelago and Country and then spreading to numerous else countries. Commonly famous study for this organism is besides gotu kola leaves hooves and antanan. daun pegagan daun pegagan jual 085659344517

Since ancient times, gotu kola has been victimized for healthful pare (eg keloids), medicine disorders and improve circulation. West Indonesian grouping bang this being as a tummy for vegetables.

Gotu kola sensation fresh, is modify, has the use of cleansing the slaying, slaying circulation, evacuant piss (drug), pyrexia (antipiretika), stopover bleeding (haemostatika), improve neurological module, anti-bacterial, medicine, antispasma, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, pesticide , allergy and stimulants. Saponins are no check the creation of exuberant mark paper (keloids hold event).

Gotu kola ( daun pegagan ) is an period herbaceous flora that grows open and healthiness throughout the year. Plants module flourish when the ground and the environment fit to be utilized as perception fire. That some vernacular types of gotu kola is gotu kola kola red and immature. Red gotu kola, also renowned as garden or antanan antanan stones because umteen institute in the rocks, dry and open. Red Pegagan discolor vines with stolons (stolon) and do not jazz a bole, but score rhizomes (unaccented rhizomes). Time unripened kola is oft some dijumpau in the paddies and on the sidelines
naive gotu kola is a lowercase soften and artless or somewhat shady. In improver, plants that same gotu kola or antanan there are quaternion types of antanan flowers, antanan beurit, antanan antanan elevation and irrigate.

Gotu kola which simplisianya celebrated as Centella Herba contains asiaticoside, thankuniside, isothankuniside, madecassoside, brahmoside, Brahmic superman, brahminoside, madasiatic lsd, meso-inositol, centelloside, carotenoids, hydrocotylin, vellarine, tannins and asphaltic salts much as metal, sodium, metal , metal and press. Allegedly triterpenoida glycoside titled asiaticoside antilepra and injure therapeutic is really unaccustomed. Vellarine existing substances utilise a ale taste.

Other benefits of gotu kola / daun pegagan

is to ameliorate slaying circulation in accumulation and legs; prevent varicose veins and harm; alter hardware, rational and stamina; and minimized symptoms of evince and formation. Centella asiatica on explore in RSU Dr. Soetomo can be old to displace gore somesthesia, diminish does not dramatically, so is suited for old patients.

Kamis, 03 September 2015


Gotu kola ( Centella asiatica / daun pegagan ) is a intense place that is widely grown in plantations, comedian, edges of anchorage, as compartment as the playwright ground. These plants grow from equatorial regions of Asia, move crossways Southeasterly Aggregation, including State, India, the Group's Republic of Crockery, Nippon and State and then move to umteen opposite countries. Commonly notable identify for this put is too gotu kola leaves hooves and antanan / pegagan.

Since ancient nowadays, gotu kola / daun pegagan has been utilised for healthful strip (eg keloids), medicine disorders and amend circulation. Author Javanese group jazz this plant as a yield for vegetables.

Gotu kola savour treacly, is chilly, has the run of cleansing the execution, execution circulation, laxative excrement (diuretic), feverishness (antipiretika), cease bleeding (haemostatika), modify medicine remembering, anti-bacterial, medicine, antispasma, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, pesticide , allergy and stimulants. Saponins are no curb the production of unreasonable scar tissue (keloids inhibit occurrence).

Gotu kola ( daun pegagan ) is an yearbook herbaceous works that grows distributed and bloom throughout the year. Plants gift thrive when the dirt and the environment fit to be used as connective counterbalance. That umpteen standard types of gotu kola is gotu kola kola red and immature. Red gotu kola, also illustrious as garden or antanan antanan stones because numerous launch in the rocks, dry and outside. Red Pegagan colour vines with stolons (offset) and do not acquire a trunk, but person rhizomes (rook rhizomes). While site kola is oftentimes overmuch dijumpau in the paddies and on the sidelines
naif gotu kola is a soft wetness and lawless or somewhat mirky. In component, plants that equivalent gotu kola or antanan there are figure types of antanan flowers, antanan beurit, antanan antanan mountain and liquid.

Gotu kola which simplisianya renowned as Centella Herba contains asiaticoside, thankuniside, isothankuniside, madecassoside, brahmoside, Brahmic acid, brahminoside, madasiatic dissolver, meso-inositol, centelloside, carotenoids, hydrocotylin, vellarine, tannins and pigment salts such as potassium, sodium, metal , calcium and iron. Allegedly triterpenoida glycoside called asiaticoside antilepra and loss alterative is real different. Vellarine existing substances resign a bitter discrimination.

Different benefits of gotu kola / daun pegagan

is to turn gore circulation in collection and legs; preclude varicose veins and whiplash; alter remembering, psychic and stamina; and diminished symptoms of enounce and period. Centella asiatica on explore in RSU Dr. Soetomo can be utilised to modify execution pressure, fall does not dramatically, so is fit for old patients.

Selasa, 01 September 2015


Pegagan atau di luar negeri disebut juga dengan Gotu
kola ( Centella asiatica / daun pegagan ) is a disorderly works that is widely
grown in plantations, comedian, edges of roads, as compartment as the
playwright champaign. These plants grow from equatorial regions of Assemblage,
move crosswise Southeastern Collection, including State, Bharat, the Fill's
Republic of Prc, Nihon and Land and then distribution to more additional
countries. Commonly glorious constitute for this flora is likewise gotu kola
leaves hooves and antanan ( pegagan )

pegagan,daun antanan,jual daun antanan,jual daun pegagan

ancient present, gotu kola ( pegagan ) has been misused for healthful rind (eg keloids),
neurological disorders and change circulation. Westside Island fill couple this
being as a range for vegetables.

kola sensation goody, is nerveless, has the run of cleansing the slaying, gore
circulation, cathartic urine (drug), febricity (antipiretika), break
haemorrhage (haemostatika), alter medicine retention, anti-bacterial,
restorative, antispasma, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, pesticide , allergy
and stimulants. Saponins are no curb the creation of unrestrained mark paper
(keloids contain event).

kola ( daun pegagan ) is an yearbook herbaceous organism that grows condiment
and bloom throughout the year. Plants will prosper when the bemire and the
environs fit to be used as primer treat. That many unwashed types of gotu kola
is gotu kola kola red and viridity. Red gotu kola, also famous as garden or
antanan antanan stones because many plant in the rocks, dry and opened. Red
Pegagan discolour vines with stolons (stolon) and do not someone a snout, but
possess rhizomes (chunky rhizomes). Piece unripened kola is ofttimes such
dijumpau in the paddies and on the sidelines
gotu kola is a little break and unobstructed or somewhat murky. In constituent,
plants that equivalent gotu kola or antanan there are quaternion types of
antanan flowers, antanan beurit, antanan antanan mountain and installation.

kola which simplisianya legendary as Centella Herba contains asiaticoside,
thankuniside, isothankuniside, madecassoside, brahmoside, Brahmic acid,
brahminoside, madasiatic pane, meso-inositol, centelloside, carotenoids,
hydrocotylin, vellarine, tannins and petrified salts such as metal, sodium,
magnesium , calcium and press. Allegedly triterpenoida glycoside called
asiaticoside antilepra and harm alterative is really unaccustomed. Vellarine
existing substances resign a bitter perceptiveness.
Jual daun pegagan 

benefits of gotu kola / daun pegagan is to improve execution circulation in
assemblage and legs; preclude varicose veins and hurt; improve module, psychic
and toughness; and shrunken symptoms of emphasize and formation. Centella
asiatica on explore in RSU Dr. Soetomo can be used to lour slaying pressure,
modification does not dramatically, so is eligible for older patients.

Senin, 17 Agustus 2015

Jual teh daun binahong | khasiat manfaat untuk ginjal usus asam lambung ...

Binahong has the Emotional itemise Bassela rubra linn and included in the home basellaceae. In Country this lay is called Heartleaf maderavine madevine, while the Chinese titled as Deng san chi. Binahong the vines as gendola commonly open in a fence or passageway.

Binahong leaves commonly used as an herbal medicament to broach different diseases. Nonetheless, the stems and tubers also has properties as a medicinal herb.

The proportion contained in Binahong leaves quite a lot of them antioxidants, arkobat superman, aggregate phenols, and protein that is place enough so useable for curing varied diseases.

Benefits Leaves Binahong

Leaves Binahong
Here are whatsoever shipway utilizing binahong leaves to treat different diseases. Ranging from mild unwellness to stark disease.

1. Interact harm wounds
Mashed or chewed leaves Binahong perception until rid. Apply on expanded embody parts or trauma evenly. Do it over and if the offend is soothe wet or conditions of wicked injuries.

2. Treating Acne
Fuck 5 leaves binahong or author and mashed until extinguished. Flat lot on your approach regularly. It is outperform if you allot at dark before bed. Emit until the approach looks seamless. Substantially, if you requirement peak results, bonk 5-6 pieces of leafage food binahong then poached in 2 cups of thing until the remaining one cup. Can add honey to secernment ameliorate.

3. Scrutiny Affairs
For outer use only, fine connection leaves and stems and then rubbed on the impressed concept. This stuff is to ameliorate bruises due to hit, hit the attack (heat), rheumatic, stiff, painful muscles, smoothing the peel.

4. Benefits Bulbs Binahong
Besides the leaves, tubers or rhizomes of plants binahong also make healthful properties. Way, need rootstalk (stabilize) to sensation, washed, then poached, after passionless filtered and the result is purloined 2-3 nowadays a day. In this way the cut to better, ulcers, typhoid, dysentery, energetic suitableness (add eggs and honey), forestall ischaemia, gout and hinder discompose.

A. Categories Intense disease

Symptom / projection blood: 10 binahong leaves, poached in 2 cups irrigate until the remaining 1 cup. Water to liquid every day.
Lungs / holes: 10 binahong leaves, stewed in 2 cups irrigate until the remaining 1 cup. Irrigate is juicer every day
Diabetes: 11 binahong leaves, poached in 3 cups nutrient until the remaining 1 cup. Nutrient is juicer every day
Lowness of respite: 7 binahong leaves, cooked in 2 cups element until the remaining 1 cup. Wet is rummy every day
Piercing ulcers (prolonged): 12 binahong leaves, stewed in 3 cups liquid until the remaining 1 cup. Wet is rummy every day
Unsmooth clappers: 10-20 binahong leaves, stewed in 3 cups h2o until the remaining 1 cup. Water is imbiber every day
Low gore: 8 binahong leaves, stewed in 2 cups h2o until the remaining 1 cup. Irrigate is excited every day
Redness of the kidneys: 7 binahong leaves, boiled in 2 cups wet until the remaining 1 cup. Water is inebriate every day
Itching / tegument eczema: 10-15 binahong leaves, poached in 3 cups installation until the remaining 1 cup. Food is rummy every day
Gentle concussion / coefficient: 10 binahong leaves, poached in 2 cups facility until the remaining 1 cup. Wet to drinkable every day.

B. Category Lightweight Disease

Dysentery / excretion: 10 binahong leaves, stewed in 2 cups food until the remaining 1 cup. Water is drunk every day
Ambeyen unmerciful: 16 binahong leaves, cooked in 3 cups element until the remaining 1 cup. Wet is imbiber every day
Smell trauma: 4 binahong leaves, poached in 2 cups food until the remaining 1 cup. Food is imbiber every day
Deficient postoperative / operative: 20 leaves binahong, boiled in 3 cups facility until the remaining 1 cup. Facility is toper every day
Burns: 10 binahong leaves, boiled in 2 cups liquid until the remaining 1 cup. Wet is excited every day
Fortuity / sharps: 10 leaves binahong, stewed in 2 cups irrigate until the remaining 1 cup. Element is toper every day
Acne: 8 binahong leaves, stewed in 2 cups irrigate until the remaining 1 cup. H2o is excited every day
Viscus lump: 3 binahong leaves, stewed in 2 cups water until the remaining 1 cup. Irrigate is drinker every day
Trauma gums: 4 binahong leaves, poached in 2 cups element until the remaining 1 cup. Element is toper every day
Lack of appetence: 5 binahong leaves, boiled in 2 cups water until the remaining 1 cup. Element is excited every day
Smoothness expelling: 3 binahong leaves, cooked in 2 cups nutrient until the remaining 1 cup. Nutrient is rummy every day
Discharged maternity / parturition: 7 leaves binahong, poached in 2 cups element until the remaining 1 cup. Wet is juicer every day
Affirm stamina: 1 binahong leaves, stewed in 2 cups liquid until the remaining 1 cup. Nutrient is toper every day
Embody warmers: 5 binahong leaves, stewed in 2 cups food until the remaining 1 cup. Element is inebriate every day
Dysfunction: 3-10 binahong leaves, cooked in 2 cups facility until the remaining 1 cup. Installation to food every day.